About Natasha - Online CBT & EMDR Therapist

Natasha Scullane London CBT and EMDR Psychotherapy

To help you increase your confidence, your self-esteem, and strengthen your self-belief, I bring all my experience and training together. I will help you make sense of your past experiences and how they impact the way you think and behave on a daily basis.

You will identify the beliefs and stories you have about yourself. You will be introduced to techniques to develop new perspectives and strengthen your self-belief.

You will be provided with a framework to support new habits, to take steps out of your comfort zone, and go for the opportunities you’ve been avoiding.

Your ability to feel comfortable and develop a relationship with your therapist is so important; I understand this first hand. Therapy with me provides a safe, warm, friendly space for you to work through your issues, with unconditional empathy, and a healthy dose of humour too!

There are times in all of our lives when things can feel too overwhelming to navigate on our own. Therapy can provide you with support, clarity and guidance during challenging times and allow you to experience meaningful life changes.

You can work with me online to make positive changes and achieve your goals from the comfort of your own home (or another confidential space of your choice).

My mission is to help you to live authentically with confidence, through compassionate, effective therapy and supportive resources.

Hot chocolate in a cafe

When I’m not in the therapy room…

I’m likely to be found at a playground with my daughter, drinking a hot chocolate in Costa or watching a relationship reality show.

I love playing tennis, a weekend away with friends, spa treatments, and being by the sea.

Beach front on a sunny day
White candles at a spa